Social Justice Program

Access to Justice & Advocacy Program

TF believes that social justice is same as Human Development and also that the true long-term development outcomes are unachievable without social justice. TF has been working for the fair distribution of wealth and the equality of opportunity and privileges through it programs; now it feels the need to take this agenda as an exclusive program as well. Due to its natural evolution into a program social justice agenda is easily taking its roots into the organizations thematic foundation.

The main objective of the program is to make legal aid accessible for vulnerable and poor segments of the communities including minorities, people with disabilities and survivor of Gender Based Violence. The overall goal is to improve access to justice and human rights through the provision of efficient, cost effective legal assistance and protection for vulnerable population. Currently the program is serving in district Quetta by providing psychosocial counseling sessions to the victims of torture, violence and abuse is also a component of the program. We also run public awareness campaign through awareness seminar, street theaters and puppet shows that increases citizens’ knowledge of the laws, which protect their fundamental freedoms.

Access to Justice & Advocacy Program Gallery

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